Ich denke schon. Bitte helfen Sie mir Ihr Anliegen, die Situation und den Sachverhalt möglichst gut zu erfassen, dann erhalten Sie schnell und preiswert meine erste Einschätzung.
Yes, I do. On a daily basis, working for my clients abroad (lots of them are attorneys-at-law in their countries). Further I regularily communicate and judge as an arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
Necessary knowledge involves a good understanding for comparative law (I have worked for years at such an university institute) and the concepts behind what is not only the quite special legal language but different laws and legal systems. There are a few pages on this site in English language. If your interest relates to Sports Law or Sports Arbitration please also consider sportslaw.world as it is entirely in English.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any queries.
Grundsätzlich ja, reden Sie mit uns.
Ja, Sie finden eine hier (pdf-Datei herausgegeben vom Österreichischen Rechtsanwaltskammertag).