Biancograt aus Richtung Tschiervahütte

Arbitrator for your Arbitration case at VIAC, ICC, CAS, Ad hoc etc

To resolve or win your International Business Law disputes institutional or ad hoc Commercial Arbitration is the go to way.

Dr. Dominik Kocholl regularly gets appointed as an arbitrator, including cases at the DIS-Sportschiedsgericht in Germany.

Many of the cases Dr. Dominik Kocholl saw – up until June 2019 – as one of the listeted arbitrators at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS/TAS) with its seat in Lausanne/Switzerland are indeed international Business Law cases.

Our world demands rapid, binding, and efficient resolution of disputes.

Arbitral Rules - Schiedsordnungen ICC VIAC CAS
Logo Internationales Sportschiedsgericht

Selected Cases and Link to CV (written for CAS):

  • Dispute concerning the construction and hydroelectric power plant with multiple contractors
  • Arbitration within the telecommunication Business
  • Dispute within shareholders of a ski resort
Deutsche Bundesliga Spiel

International Sports Law –

Skitourengeher über dem Nebelmeer

Skiing and Mountaineering Accidents – Civil and Criminal Liability

Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

International Sports Arbitration

Sportunfälle – und der richtige Umgang mit ihren Folgen
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht